Search Article through UUM library Subscribed Database

Search Article through UUM library Subscribed Database

Let us try to find articles…Huhuhu…

I found that nowadays many students keep on asking, way to find scholarly journal for their assignment. In the meantime, students also required by lecturers to cite scholarly articles from reputable journals in their project paper. 

Some students react as shown below!!!!!!

But! Big question mark, have we tried our nearest and easiest platform to find multi-million number and dollar articles….. As one proverb, “Actions speak louder than words”……Now, let us try!!!!

REMEMBER, to find article in UUM Library, you must be an active student of UUM to login into this page!!!!!

FIRST, type this web address in your web browser address….

NEXT, click eResources and insert your username and your password.

Once you successfully login, your page will be displayed as shown below.

Make sure, you successfully login to this site. Eventhough, there are so many databases listed in your left menu, only few databases relevant to business/management or social science students.

For instance, JStor:Arts & Sciences, Proquest Direct, Emerald Management Plus, SciVerse (ScienceDirect & Scopus) and EBSCOhost. However, remaining databases can be used to find journals. There is no ANY RESTRICTION!!!!!

Let us try to find journal by clicking any of the listed database link. Let us click, Emerald Management Plus.

Once you click, it will appear as shown below.

Now, you have to click “ Search Emerald Fulltext” image.

Once clicked by you, it will appear as shown below…..

Yeahooo….. It`s time to search… Actually, function of this web almost same as Google search engine… JUST make use it like Google search engine….

Now, let say, we want to search about “Diffusion of green supply chain management”. 

So, just type your preferred topic, “Diffusion of green supply chain management” in search box.  

 What’s next?, as usual click “Go”….

 Then, you will see “search result” in a new window or tab as displayed below.

Oopsss!!!!! why only few articles come into view. Don`t panic. Actually, it is a search result of Journals, books, bibliographic database, case studies and site pages…. You want explanation for all of this; just wait for another blog article from me very soon.

So, What I should do? Now, click journal tab/button to view your journals. 

Now, you can see relevant article to read. REMEMBER!!! There are so many click-able menu/button(s). You have to click and try the result of each menu/button.


Basically, there are two different type of view, PDF or HTML view. Both can be saved, but if you choose “view PDF”, more easy to you in order to save in your storage.

Now, you already covered method to find article in Emerald…NOW!!!!

Are you thinking about method to find journals in other database? DON’T WORRY!!! Every database programmed in a similar way. However, interface and menu item maybe differ from Emerald. 

Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.

Let give a try…

Additional INFO!!!!

You also can try some links below to find journal… Its free….

All the best.

Happy Searching. 

SSRN Author: Nader Ale Ebrahim

